Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just over 23 hours and counting....

Woo Hoo! Vacation is almost here! Hooray! However, I am not overly impressed with Southwest right at the moment. I have been unable to print my boarding pass and check in online. Grrrrrr, and when I spoke to rep, they said they didn't know why, but that I would have to check in, in person with my ID, that I must have been randomly picked for this. Sheesh..... Now I really need to make sure to check in early to be assured of a seat. I really, really hate this...

Moving right along...... My bread turned out fabulous with the full adjustments to the original recipe. Much fluffier and taller. And my new flour mix arrived last evening. Alas though, it will have to wait until I get back from Vacation to try it out. Bummer.....

It's been a strange week starting Sunday after Hubby left for Seattle. Got some news I never ever figured I would get in a hundred years. And it threw me for a bit of a loop and took me a couple of days to figure out. But as of last evening it led to contact with some people from the past whom I've missed and it was all good. So we shall see how it works out.

So the ticket thing I guess is just the icing to a weird week! LOL.... And I am very focused today on making it through today and all the stuff I need to accomplish tonight before heading out. I am so excited to have some time off from work!

Well off and running again.... let me leave you with this image which I truly believe says the state of things for the US at this point in time, it's from one of the sister sites for my favorite site that keeps me sane. LOL

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