Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am getting rather lax aren't I?

Well, more than a week, boy I am really getting lazy here. Awful...... Didn't feel up to doing much the past 3 days or so as I am recuperating from trying to get really sick. Darling hubby gave me his sinus infection to bronchial bug before he left town this past weekend. Well, missed 2 days of work to fight it and Hooray! It looks like I beat it! It never got down into my chest which is a great thing! I still am very tired though as I haven't slept hardly at all the past 3 nights, and I keep waking up at 4am. Guess my bod is trying to tell me that it's that time to adjust the clocks again. The problem is, is that it's really messing me up. I just was sooooo sleepy all day today! And I am amazed that I could function at all without messing everything up that I touched. I did manage to mess up my leave slip though, got the timesheet right, but did a backwards thing between annual and sick leave. Thank god for the gals in payroll! They keep me honest!

I did work a bit on baking and the cookbook while I was home sick. Used the new type or brand of gluten free flour mix that I ordered before we left on vacation. It's all in there, and you are just supposed to use it like regular flour with the only adjustments being made in the liquids. So I used some with my favorite spices and made some chicken tenders for the freezer. I guess you coat them in a container with the flour mixture, then chill them in the fridge overnight and then put them on a cookie sheet laid out to freeze. We'll see how they are when hubby gets back. I also made a slightly different buttermilk bread with a split top with melted butter. I am not sure about that one though will probably taste it tomorrow. The loaf looks beautiful though so we'll see. And before my energy ran out I was craving plain cake doughnuts, so I made some, with a slightly different recipe than my last one, I wasn't impressed as much with how they turned out, I honestly don't think they taste as good. The usual mix I use is by Bob's Red Mill and the base is beans, so things are a bit heavier but I like the flavor. This new stuff is from, so I'll see how it turns out on the bread. Although I did a little math, the Bob's Red Mill mixes are a bit cheaper when buying in bulk, but the loaves haven't turned out quite as pretty as this last one. Oh well, we'll see!

The critters.... ah life is better with pets, or so some would say. I might be inclined to agree most days. It's been an adventure since hubby left on his trip last Sunday. For starters, the dogs, who mostly love to be around the hubby more, are behaving much better when he's gone. And actually want to be around me. Lil'Shit is probably the most clingiest lately. I know he's losing his hearing and you have to get his attention either by a loud sharp noise or visually to get him to do anything.

The cats, 2 of them think they own me, and the other owns hubby, have been an entirely entertainingly different matter. I finally figured out what Yummy, (hubby's owner) has been playing with or chasing when he is racing around on the bed. Seems it's his tail! Most times I think his tail has a mind of it's own as it always manages to keep moving and ends up under a foot coming down, and now I think he thinks the same. His tail is always moving, and when he is on the bed, he attacks it like it's some alien or such. He'll watch over his shoulder and when it "swishes" around he goes for it. He manages to catch it about a third of the time, then when he does catch it and bites he jumps like someone got him and his expression goes from surprised to indignant. I catch him playing like this in the evenings when I'm in the bathroom getting ready for bed or in the mornings getting ready for work. And this has become highly entertaining, he just gets so wound up! And for a fat cat, he's fast!

Now for Mushy, poor old man, I don't know where I'd be without him today. He truly has been my lifesaver for a long, long time. Seems that now he's developing separation anxiety now. He has had some wonderful changes in him since this last spring when I was learning the Tellington Ttouch. He was never a cuddler, he might have snuggled on a cold night with me in bed, or slept near to keep me alive if I was choking at night, but he came out of his shell with the Ttouch. Now he is a cuddler and is addicted to the touch. Also as of this last vacation he has become very possessive of me when I got home. Some days he'll tolerate the other animals loving on me, other days he is so possessive he'll swat everyone even hubby! Well I guess he really didn't like that I was gone for over a week, because after I got back from the airport and dropping hubby off for his flight (the airport is 65 miles away) he really got frantic and clingy and needy. He had to be held and didn't want to be put down, he was adamant about that! OUCH! I think he saw me helping hubby pack and then we left together, and perhaps thought I was leaving again.

I think that over the last 2 days he's finally starting to calm down. But still keeps me in his sight paths. I am not sure how he did today with me going back to work, and when I sat down for a minute after getting home and feeding everyone, he was right there wanting to lay on my chest and shoulder. Now a cat with separation anxiety! I love though how we've bonded even closer through the Ttouch, and I regret not learning this sooner to be able to have more time with him. It's not easy to have 2 wonderful pets, that you love very much, who are in their twilight years. I endeavor to do my best by them throughout these remaining years or months, love them, and keep up the Ttouch.

Well good news, hubby gets back day after tomorrow! Hooray! I am happy about that, maybe I will get some sleep now!

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