Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh Goodie! It's finally Friday!

Oh my, I didn't think I would ever get through this week with some measure of sanity! This week for being a "short" week due to Labor Day was an exceptionally long work week. I don't know what it is about the start of a new term that people seem to lose all common sense and go nuts. Ah well, won't discuss work here, suffice it to say, some days it definitely could drive one to drink and I love what I do.

Last evening, the sister in-law was over and the pets being their usual selves, pests, were in rare form. She isn't much of a cat person, so Yummy, (Mr. 25 pound beast) decides she needs some Yummy loving. I had to laugh when she told him he wasn't one of the small dogs and shouldn't act like one sitting in her lap. I think it's the 4 feet full of switchblades that's intimidating. :o) LOL Then a bit later he decided that he needed to be lovey with me and up in my face. I had my legs crossed and kept feeling what I thought was one of his feet falling through the gap. Go to move him, and as his face gets towards my lap I see Mushy's paw stick through to bap Yum in the face! Then Mushy decided to pounce and give me clawupuncture at the same time in my leg as he grips with one foot to swat Yum with the other. YEOW! Goofy things!

Mornings with the cats can be interesting. At least 2 of them insist on being on the counter, with Yum underfoot. I don't understand how a cat could have this magnetic attraction in his tail to know when to swish it and place it exactly where your foot is coming down! It's a rough way to wake up in the morning..... Needless to say those "startling" yowls and screams aren't good for the husband's blood pressure and tends to make him cranky. So you learn to shuffle your feet and get creative about putting contacts in with a counter full of furry beasts, who by the way if you put them down, they run out one door and quickly come in the other and back up on the counter before you can get the case open. I believe they think that by being pests it will get them fed that much sooner. This includes peeking around the shower curtain to make sure you haven't drowned so that they will still get breakfast. And if the one determines that you are just lollygagging in the shower the other still on the counter starts knocking small important things off, like lens cases and then gets down to carry them off somewhere. While humorous, it can be a bit challenging! LOL

And then once the dogs determine that you have your eyes open and are at least sitting upright, they start yelping to be let out of their kennels. Or if they think you are trying to sleep beyond 6am, they start it up, and the cats join in by using the bed and your body as either a springboard or something that needs as much attention from their claws as possible. Never dull round our place, no siree. LOL

However, I do have to say that going to bed is nice with the cats, they all cuddle and purr you to sleep. The husband laughs and says I am a purr addict, and I certainly don't deny it. Middle of the night though can be challenging if Yummy falls asleep on you or between you and the edge of the bed on the covers, because he certainly doesn't wake up in a hurry, and it's like moving a liquid lead lump trying to get to the bathroom in a hurry. LOL LOL

For all the challenges, I wouldn't be without them, Love them all and they do return it. So anyone who says animals don't have personalities or only know what you teach them, I would probably invite them to spend time with my crew. :o)

Have an excellent Friday folks! Give your pets a cuddle, and let them purr or wag their tails, it will help put a smile on your face. Honest!

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